Why bring your 'authentic self' to work?
Authenticity is an important value that many individuals strive to embody in their personal lives. However, the concept of authenticity has become increasingly important in the workplace as well. Being authentic at work means showing up as your true self, bringing your whole self to work, and not feeling the need to hide any part of your identity or personality.
There are several reasons why being authentic at work is better for both organisations and employees:
Improved job satisfaction: When employees feel like they can be their authentic selves at work, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their job. They don't have to waste energy putting up a facade or pretending to be someone they're not, which can be exhausting and demotivating. This can lead to increased productivity and better overall performance.
Increased employee engagement: Authenticity fosters a sense of connection and trust between employees and their colleagues, managers, and the organisation as a whole. When employees feel like they can be themselves and are accepted for who they are, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and invested in the success of the organisation.
Encourages innovation: Being authentic at work means that employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives, even if they are unconventional or unpopular. This can lead to more creativity and innovation, which can be a competitive advantage for the organisation.
Promotes diversity and inclusion: When employees feel comfortable being their authentic selves at work, it helps to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. This can lead to a better understanding of different perspectives and experiences, which can ultimately benefit the organisation.
Better mental health and well-being: Pretending to be someone you're not can be stressful and lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. When employees feel like they can be their authentic selves at work, it can improve their mental health and well-being.
Overall, being authentic at work is better for both organisations and employees. It can lead to increased job satisfaction, employee engagement, innovation, diversity and inclusion, and better mental health and well-being. Encouraging authenticity in the workplace is a win-win for everyone involved.